Bombina Bombast is an award-winning performing arts company that since its start in 2011 has carved out a field of their own in which performance, art and technology are deeply intertwined – a place where stories are rooted in the nonsensical moments of today and where nothing is impossible.
We read an article in a Swedish newspaper about a social worker and former gang member working in one of the Stockholm suburbs grappling with social exclusion. He talked about severe insomnia among the young criminals he is in contact with. They write to him in the middle of the night, often between three and five. They write asking the same thing: “Why can’t I sleep?“. We live in an attention economy, and the way we structure life and work today keeps us from sleeping. Up to 30% of people in developed countries now suffer from chronic insomnia. We are too tired to do something about a system that is profiting on every glance or sliding finger on a screen. The young criminals texting a social worker when they should be sleeping are formulating the question of our time. Slumberland is our way to try and get some rest, together with you. Because isn’t the most radical thing then to sleep? And not just as an individual struggle to roost but to collectively shut our eyes for a moment. Slumberland has been in our hearts for a long time and now finally we can say: welcome and goodnight.